Art, legislation and politics: Lima, XIII th century

Keywords: Peruvian art, Legislation, Politics


This article shows the relationship among politics, legislation and artistic production in XVIII th century Peru, at a time when the State, in three specific stages, exhibited its involvement towards our artistic heritage and activities connected to art. It also compares local and Spanish legislation and the role of the agents linked to art.


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BARRIGA TELLO, Martha (2004): Influencia de la Ilustración borbónica en el arte limeño: siglo XVIII (Antecedentes y aplicación). Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima.

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RODRÍGUEZ G. DE CEBALLOS, Alfonso (1995): Joaquín de Churrigueray la primera cúpula de la Catedral Nueva de Salamanca. En Homenaje al profesor Martín Gonzáles. Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid, Secretariado de Publicaciones, Valladolid.

How to Cite
Barriga Tello, M. (2006). Art, legislation and politics: Lima, XIII th century. Letras (Lima), 77(111-112), p. 41-57.

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