The chicha press: a cognitive analysis

Keywords: Functional analysis, Cognitive analysis, Rhetorical procedures, Tabloids


This  paper  attempts  to  study  the  verb  forms  that  appear  in  the  news-papers  named  “chicha”  in  Lima  (Perú).  To  fulfill  this  scientific  task,  we will hold two procedures: first, a functional analysis in the sense of glos-sematics  or  in  Martinet  terms;  second,  a  semantic  analysis  framed  in cognitive  linguistics.  As  a  result  of  these  procedures,  we  will  bring  to light the structure and the value of sentences, and the formation of deep  meanings according to the hypothesis of “chicha” imagery. In short, the various verb forms are projections of underlying cognitive mechanisms.


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How to Cite
Casas Navarro, R. (2009). The chicha press: a cognitive analysis. Letras (Lima), 80(115), p. 63-85.