The role of language policy in the Peruvian Amerindian languages


Two tendencies showing different perceptions on the situation of languages spoken in our country are exposed in this article. In the first period (going from 1965 to the 80’ s) the interest focused on multilinguism, bilingual education and the standarization of native languages. The second tendency (from 1990 to the present day) considers languages as endangered institutions and offers proposals to avoid their exstinction through revitalization programs. In accord wilth the second tendency, the author arrives to the conclusion that all Peruvian Amerindian languages are doomed to become exstinct unless linguistic policies are set up to study their degree of vitality and to find solutions to stop their gradual deterioration.


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Métricas alternativas


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How to Cite
Quesada Castillo, F. (2008). The role of language policy in the Peruvian Amerindian languages. Letras (Lima), 79(114), p. 7-21.