On the nature of linguistic research: background and perspectives

Keywords: Internalist approach, Language ability, Mind/brain, Biolinguistics


The present article aims at encouraging reflection on the differentexplanation proposals about the nature of language. A shallow review ismade on linguistics background to conclude in a reflection on the currentperpectives. In view of the fact that language constitutes an underlying system thatgenerates the expressions of verbal behavior,an appropriate linguisticstheory demands an internalist approach. According to this perspective thehuman being is able to speak a language since he or she is endowed withlanguage faculty,or with an organ of the mind/brain, and this geneticendowment explains the learning of a language and the ability to use thelanguage, due to the connection between the module of the languagefaculty (state assumed when speaking any language ) and the performancesystems or modules. This step forward reached by the development of thecurrent generative theory has led to propose biolinguistics as a science oflanguage, what leads to integrate linguistics with the other sciences of thebrain, weakening its bond with the social sciences.


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How to Cite
Quesada Castillo, F. (2005). On the nature of linguistic research: background and perspectives . Letras (Lima), 76(109-110), 127-142. https://doi.org/10.30920/letras.76.109-110.10