José María Arguedas: quechua poet of transformation
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that in Katatay , José María Arguedas represents social pachakutiy through a call to change the world and that this convergence to transform not only occurs in the human order, but also involves the entire Andean cosmovision, where men and gods coincide to move from fear to decision, and on that route to build and celebrate joy by turning the world around. For the analysis, we will use the cultural category of pachakutiy, which has a cosmological-social orientation, since it raises the idea of the return of the world or the world in reverse; that is, a radical change. This idea extends to the representation of social movements that arise in the people with the intention of changing the deplorable conditions of life, ranging from joining together to face nations to obtain their sovereignty, or face dominant social strata that oppress them. In this sense, we use an interdisciplinary methodology that brings together categories of literature, linguistics, anthropology and history in order to explore more fully the expressive richness of the Quechua poem. With this we will demonstrate how trembling (katatay) is not only a convulsion of man or of a collective, but this trembling reaches the heavens, to the whole world, which participates by interacting forces to transform, so that he himself returns to the established ways of life.Downloads
Métricas alternativas
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