An uncharitable narrator: Case of creditors in Julio Ramon Ribeyro

Keywords: Julio Ramón Ribeyro, Junta de acreedores, Short Stories


The narrator is analyzed in tale "Junta de acreedores" by Julio Ramón Ribeyro included in his first book "Los gallinazos sin plumas". Our purpose is to prove that, at least, in this story, the author moves away from the neo-realist preaching that critics have so far attributed to him. Questioning this commonplace, we propose a new reading that discovers in the text the implicit defense of a system that positively values the strength of those who know how to adapt to change, against those who are seen as incapable of such adaptation (the so-called social victims claimed by the neo-realists). Finally, we work with a concept that critics like James Higgins use to judge Ribeyro's stories: the inhumanity of the system. We observe how this concept enters into crisis when applied to the story, especially when we see that in it, through the narrator, there is an ironic mockery of the behavior of the weakest.


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How to Cite
Valenzuela Garcés, J. (2004). An uncharitable narrator: Case of creditors in Julio Ramon Ribeyro. Letras (Lima), 75(107-108), 73-86.