Two Factors That Set the Difference between "El. Novela", by Mercedes Pinto, and "El" a Film by Luis Bunuel

Keywords: Discursive Genre, Fiction, Autofiction, Female Writing, Patriarchal Society


The differences between Él (1952), a film by Luis Buñuel, and the novel Él, which the Canarian author Mercedes Pinto published in 1926, can be studied based on the problems that every adaptation poses: “difference in languages”, “fidelity”, talent, needs expressions of the filmmaker, among other approaches. Without ignoring its validity, this paper is based on the premise that the inscription of Él as an autobiographical novel, as well as its feminine/feminist approach and its willingness to denounce domestic violence against women, and its goal of vindicating the divorce are the factors that make the radical difference with the film. Thus, Buñuel's film will be approached from its fictional record and its approach that favors the role of the male gaze unlike Pinto’s novel. From there, the feminine/feminist perspective, absent in the film, will be discussed, from the notions of “feminine writing” and “women’s literature” raised by Nelly Richard (1994), in relation to the so-called “Tretas del débil” studied by Josefina Ludmer (2017 [1985]) that account for the precarious place that society grants to women and how this marginalization is expressed in writing.


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How to Cite
Pollarolo, G. (2023). Two Factors That Set the Difference between "El. Novela", by Mercedes Pinto, and "El" a Film by Luis Bunuel. Letras (Lima), 94(140), 118-133.