Arguedas and the Peruvian theater

Keywords: Peruvian theater, Stories, Miths


The present study is an explorator y approach whose intention is to identify the relation that exists between the work of José María Arguedas and the peruvian theater. In this investigation we have found that there are several adaptations of the work Arguedas various dramaturgical expressions which have emerged mainly in two ways: a) stage adaptations of his narrative, and b) theatrical creations have been based on myths and oral histories the Andean world, that Arguedas collected in his long journey through the country. Theatre groups in Peru have a popular ideological approach and chose Arguedas’s work not only because there was no dramaturgical pieces suitable for staged, but because it was easy to recognize that the author of Deep Rivers had taken advantage of for the country’s poorest farmers. Arguedas made possible that the Peruvian Theatre histrionic enrich and extend their proposals further dissemination of the work Arguedas nationally and internationally.


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Métricas alternativas


ARGUEDAS, José María (1975) (Editor y traductor). Dioses y hombres de Huarochirí. México-Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI.

ARRAU, Sergio (2010). El arte teatral. Teoría y práctica. Lima: Fondo Editorial de la Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades.

BAzíN, André (1966). “A favor de un cine impuro. (Defensa de la adaptación)”. En: ¿Qué es el cine? Madrid: Rialp.

CARRILLO, Francisco (1968). Antología de poesía y prosa quechua. Lima: Biblioteca Universitaria.

JOFFRÉ, Sara (1997). El libro de la Muestra de Teatro Peruano. Lima: Lluvia Editores.

KOWzAN, Tadeusz (1997). El signo y el teatro. Introducción a la semiología del arte del espectáculo. Madrid: Arco Libros.

MATOS MAR, José (1984). Desborde popular y crisis del Estado. El nuevo rostro del Perú en la década de 1980, Lima: IEP.

How to Cite
Villagómez, A. (2011). Arguedas and the Peruvian theater . Letras (Lima), 82(117), p. 65-81.
Tribute to José María Arguedas