The essay style in two works by Peruvian writers of the twentieth century: Thus did the women of Peru by Judith Prieto and Chastity Belt

The middle class woman in Peru by Maruja Barriga


In Peru there is an appreciable tradition of essay writing in the literary, political, philosophical, and socio-cultural fields, as well as in other areas. In previous research, about the feminine subject and its double relationship with the exercise of the written word and political discursiveness, I found texts of an essayistic nature by women writers that expose positions on social and cultural events through a brief prose that, without belonging to narrative or poetry, clearly show their creative nature. Considering that this contribution had not been highlighted, this study proposes the observation of essay-style texts produced by Peruvian writers, focusing on the works Así hicieron las mujeres el Perú, by Judith Prieto (1965) and Cinturón de castidad. La mujer de clase media en el Perú, by Maruja Barrig (1979).


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How to Cite
Carrillo Mauriz, S. L. (2012). The essay style in two works by Peruvian writers of the twentieth century: Thus did the women of Peru by Judith Prieto and Chastity Belt. Letras (Lima), 83(118), 134-152.