The utopian writing of Mario Vargas Llosa

Keywords: Poetics art, Utopic writing, Peruvian narrative


One of the most frequent effects of literary writing is the amazement in front of the revelation of the aesthetic dimension. From that experience, the user attempts to decipher or understand the peculiar nature of verbal creation. Then, in the effort to understand the secret of the poetic word, the first alternative is to investigate the author or writer in this regard, because it is assumed that who has completed a work which generates such a reaction, you should know about their art, his skill, his particular creative abilities. In this sense, the intent of this article is o make a quick review of the “poetic art” of the author of The Green House, in order to clarify the continuity of their convictions and watch the apparent assignment of its position in an option beautician, which some have considered homologous to the ideological stance in favor of liberalism, has been amended, in accordance with his last thoughts. This brings his work closer to another great Peruvian writer of the twentieth century: José María Arguedas.


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HUAMÁN, Miguel Ángel (2006). “Escritura utópica y compromiso estético-político: de Churata a Colchado”, en Escritura & Pensamiento 19, pp. 7-22.

VARGAS LLOSA, Mario (1967). La literatura es fuego. Tomado de internet:

VARGAS LLOSA, Mario (1990). Contra y Viento y Marea, 3: 1964-1988. Lima, Peisa.

VARGAS LLOS.A, Mario (2001). Literatura y política. México, FCE.

VARGAS LLOSA, Mario (2010). Elogio de la lectura y la ficción. Fundación Nobel.

How to Cite
Huamán Villavicencio, M. Ángel. (2010). The utopian writing of Mario Vargas Llosa. Letras (Lima), 81(116), p. 45-56.
Tribute to Mario Vargas Llosa