Committed writers, literary field and total novel in the 1960s. Mario Vargas Llosa, reader of a Hundred Years of Solitude

Keywords: Novel, Interlectual field, Literature


The project of “novela total”, that conceived and put into practice notorious members of the “boom”of the Latin American novel have extraordinary examples in texts such as One hundred years of solitude or The green house. In this study, we took care to describe the literary field of the sixties and how it influences the demands on the writer-intellectual left, especially with regard to the need to project in literary texts a comprehensive picture of the historical process and social development of the continent. The analysis focuses on the manner in which Vargas Llosa constructs, from the analysis of a novel One hundred years of solitude, a novel model of the novela total and the way in which the novel of the colombian writer represented the whole responding to demands the literary field in a context marked by a speech which then explained the situation of our continent delay due to the dependence on imperialism.


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Métricas alternativas


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BOURDIEU, Pierre (1995). Las reglas del arte. Génesis y estructura del campo literario. Barcelona, Anagrama.

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GILMAN, Claudia (2003). Entre la pluma y el fusil. Debates y dilemas del escritor revolucionario en América Latina. Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI editores Argentina s.a.

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RODRÍGUEZ MONEGAL, Emir (1972). El “boom” de la novela latinoamericana. Caracas, Editorial Tiempo Nuevo.

SABATO, Ernesto (1981). El escritor y sus fantasmas. Barcelona, Seix Barral.

SCHWALB, Carlos (2001). La narrativa totalizadora de José María Arguedas, Julio Ramón Ribeyro y Mario Vargas Llosa. New York, Peter Lang editores.

VARGAS LLOSA, Mario (2007). “Cien años de soledad. Realidad total, novela total” en Cien años de soledad. Edición conmemorativa. Colombia, Real Academia Española, Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española; pp. XXV-LVIII.

How to Cite
Valenzuela Garcés, J. (2010). Committed writers, literary field and total novel in the 1960s. Mario Vargas Llosa, reader of a Hundred Years of Solitude. Letras (Lima), 81(116), p. 25-43.
Tribute to Mario Vargas Llosa

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