Notes on some semantic changes of certain sociological terms

Keywords: Semantic, Sociology


As a member of the research team on Communication, Discourse and Citizenship, directed by Dr. Sonia Luz Carrillo, at the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences of the UNMSM, we investigated the etymological and semantic value of a series of terms, commonly used in oral or written discourse, in sociological studies or treatises referring to the understanding and development of citizen participation in our current society. I present below, by way of work sheets, some of these terms whose meaning has gone through a process of change, modifying -by enrichment or contraction- the original meaning.


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How to Cite
Gispert-Sauch Colls, A. M. (2002). Notes on some semantic changes of certain sociological terms. Letras (Lima), 73(103-104), 211-218.

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