Expectations of UNMSM students regarding the study of English as a foreign language

Keywords: Foreign language, English, Students


Peru is a multilingual country where Spanish, Quechua, Aymara and a large number of Amazonian languages are spoken. Some of these languages are acquired by certain groups as their mother tongue or first language and others learned in the second term constitute the second language of the speakers. The number of speakers of indigenous languages as a first language has varied, with Spanish having the highest number of speakers, due to the fact that it is used both as a first language and as a second language in our country. These languages, as such, fulfil a series of functions in the daily lives of our inhabitants.


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Métricas alternativas


BABIEE, EarlR. 1988 Métodos de investigación por encuesta. Fondo de Cultura Económica.

BAKER, Colin 1988 Key Issues in Bilingualism and Bilingual Education. Multilingual Matters Ltd. Philadelphia.

LOZADA, Minnie, ALONZO Alicia y REYES, Johanna. 1997. Percepción de la utilidad de conocer idiomas según alumnos de pregrado de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. (Documento de investigación sin publicar, CILA, UNMSM).

NUNAN, David 1989 El diseño de tareas para la clase comunicativa. Cambridge University Press.

NUNAN, David 1992 Research Methods in Language Learning. Cambridge University Press.

POZZI-ESCOT. Inés y LOZADA TRIMB ATH, Minnie Eloísa. 1989 "¿Qué razones para aprender inglés tienen los alumnos de secundaria de colegios estatales?". En López, Luis Enrique, y otros. Temas de Lingüística Aplicada. CONCYTEC, Lima.

RICHARDS, Jack C. y LOCKHART, Charles 1994 Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms. Cambridge University Press.

WILLIAMS. Marión y BURDEN, Robert L. 1997 Psychology for language teachers. United Kingdom; Cambridge University Press.

How to Cite
Lozada Trímbath, M., & Alonzo Sutta, A. (2001). Expectations of UNMSM students regarding the study of English as a foreign language. Letras (Lima), 72(101-102), 185-218. https://doi.org/10.30920/letras.72.101-102.12