The development of Spanish of the Amazonian indigenous speakers in Lima school

Keywords: Spanish language, Students


This paper aims to describe the agreement in the nominal phrase (FN) and verbal phrase (FV) in Spanish by bilingual pupils whose mother tongue is an Amazonian indigenous language and Spanish, their second language. These students attend schools in Lima, where the teaching is done in Spanish; therefore, we have considered it pertinent to undertake such a study, focusing our attention on written production, which is substantially linked to school academic development.


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BOUQUIAUX, Luc y THOMAS, J. 1992 Studying and Describing Written Languages. A publication of the Summer Institute of Linguistics.

ESCOBAR, Anna María. 1990 Los bilingües y el castellano en el Perú. lEP. Lima.

LANDA, Cinthía y URALDE, Isabel. 1996 "La estrella que cayó del cielo", del libro Déjame que te cuente. Santafé de Bogotá D.C.

OSTROSKY-SOLIS, Feggy y ARDILA, Alfredo. 1991 Lenguaje oral y escrito. D. Trillas. México.

TIPACOM. 1990 Cuentos de la selva. Lima.

How to Cite
Alonzo Sutta, A. N., Lozada Trimbath, M., & Falcón Ccenta, P. M. (2000). The development of Spanish of the Amazonian indigenous speakers in Lima school. Letras (Lima), 71(99-100), 151-172.