Around the industrial onomastics in Spanish language of Lima

  • Augusto Alcocer Martínez Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú
Keywords: Spanish language


Around the title of this paper the specialists have tried a variety of terms; Julio Casares (1959: 282-285) called it "technicality of industries"; Gunther Haensch et al (1982: 416) coined the name "word mark"; the DRAE (1992) "registered trademark or trade name". The French Jossete Rey-Devobe (1971: 88, 89) speaks of "noms de marques" for the Brazilian R.F. Mansur Guérios (1971) instead of "onionimos". In Peru, Martha Hildebrandt (1998: 156) uses the label "marcas de fábrica" and finally Miguel Ángel Ugarte (1997) opts for "palabras comerciales".


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How to Cite
Alcocer Martínez, A. (2000). Around the industrial onomastics in Spanish language of Lima. Letras (Lima), 71(99-100), 135-150.