In defense of the indigenism

Keywords: Indigenism, Peruvian literature


“Indigenism” as a literary, cultural, ideological and political movement constitutes a theme of necessary reference in our cultural and literary national tradition. Studies on this current started in the first decades of the 20th century when it was given the privilege of being at the centre of literary debate. Later on, following the initial perspective, this current, whatever name it has taken (regionalism, andeanism, mariateguism, humalism, etc.), has been evaluated critically, along our historical process. This article aims it backing indigenism as a movement and discusing some opposite positions, particulary that of Mirko Lauer's.


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CORNEJO POLAR, Antonio (1980): La novela indigenista. Literatura y sociedad en el Perú. Lima, Lasontay.

CORNEJO POLAR, Antonio (1989): La formación de la tradición literaria en el Perú. Lima, CEP.

DEGREGORI, Carlos Iván et al. (1978): Indigenismo, clases sociales y problema nacional. Lima, CELATS.

DEUSTUA José y José Luis RÉNIQUE (1984): Intelectuales, indigenismo y descentralismo en el Perú, 1897-1931. Cusco, Centro de Estudios Bartolomé de las Casas.

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HUAMÁN, Miguel Ángel (1999): “Tradición narrativa y modernidad cultural peruana”. Logos Latinoamericano 4, Lima, UNMSM.

HUAMÁN, Miguel Ángel (2006): “Narrativa andina o narrativa criolla?: los riesgos de las disyuntivas”. San Marcos 25, Lima, UNMSM.

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TAMAYO HERRERA, José (1981): Historia social e indigenismo en el altiplano. Lima, Treintitres.

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How to Cite
Huamán Villavicencio, M. Ángel. (2009). In defense of the indigenism. Letras (Lima), 80(115), p. 11-25.
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