The cognitive approach in science and the problem of historicity: Characterization from the concepts


The cognitive approach has difficulties dealing with the problem of his-toricity. This is relevant because historicity is related to three successive levels: science, agents and the reality itself researched (above all, social and artificial). When the problem of historicity is seen from the viewpo-int of concepts, the key aspect is the possibility of stating the existence of a historicity in the cognitive content and, at the same time, that the historical  character  –in  any  of  the  three  levels  pointed  out–  is  not  in-compatible with objectivity.Initially,  the  paper  considers  the  context  of  the  problem  of  historicity in the realm of the cognitive approach. This connects with  issues  on  the  specificity  of  the  content  and  the  role  of  the  cognitive subject. Thereafter, the analysis goes more deeply into the  question  of  how  to  understand  the  change  of  the  cognitive  content.  This  task  is  developed  here  through  reflection  on  the  conceptual  revolutions  in  science.  Later,  the  attention  shifts  to  the  role  of  concepts,  insofar  as  they  are  the  nexus  with  what  is  historicallly concrete, because researchers use concepts to make something real that changes intelligible. Finally, there are several considerations on the perspectives of the authors analyzed here in order to evaluate their contributions.


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How to Cite
González, W. J. (2008). The cognitive approach in science and the problem of historicity: Characterization from the concepts. Letras (Lima), 79(114), p. 51-80.