Clorinda Matto: the role of women between tradition and innovation

Keywords: Chilean literature, Clorinda Matto de Turner


Among the few studies that deal with the narrative activity of the Peruvian Clorinda Matto de Turner, it is already commonplace to highlight the innovative role played by her first novel, Birds Without a Nest (1889), whose centenary we have celebrated. Aves sin nido would be the work that, beyond its debatable literary quality, would mark the inflection in the approach of the Indian from an exotic idealization propitiated by geographical distance and chronological distance; to the costumbrist or naturalist treatment, that would inevitably put on the board the injustices suffered by this millenary being.


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How to Cite
Caballero Wangüemert, M. M. (1993). Clorinda Matto: the role of women between tradition and innovation. Letras (Lima), 64(92-93), 72-91.