La Gerund Periphrasis in The Andean Spanish of La Mar (Ayacucho)

Keywords: Andean Spanish, Morphosyntax, Verbal periphrasis, Gerund


This paper deals with the descriptive treatment of the most recurrent  gerund periphrasis in Spanish spoken by children of the district of La Mar (Ayacucho), whose dialectal variant corresponds to the Andean Spanish (Escobar, 1978). Among the presented constructions, the periphrasis to be + gerund stands out as much for its recurrence, as for its functionality; that is, the verb “to be” as an auxiliary verb can be combined with any other verb from Spanish and thus produce a varied range of highly functional periphrastic constructions. We present, also, some other constructions that, although they do not reach a great functionality, are characteristic of this variety of Spanish, strongly influenced by the suffix -chka of Quechua.


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How to Cite
Esquivel Villafana, J. (2019). La Gerund Periphrasis in The Andean Spanish of La Mar (Ayacucho). Letras (Lima), 90(132), 228-243.
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