Factors associated with the scientific production indexed in Scopus of a Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Keywords: Scientific production, Time-series análisis, Indexing, Scopus, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos


One of the challenges faced by research managers is to identify the factors associated with the scientific production of a university, because in this they can allocate resources to expand the frontiers of academic knowledge. In this study we present a model of factors associated with the scientific production indexed in Scopus of a Peruvian public university. For the data modeling, a longitudinal design based on time-series analysis was used, considering lags from one to ten years. Initially (lag = 1 year), the number of international partners and graduated doctors were the two factors associated with scientific production indexed in Scopus, but when incorporating the temporal perspective (lag = 5 years), only the number of doctors remained as predictor, in a statistical sense, of the scientific production of the Peruvian public university analyzed in this investigation.


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How to Cite
Vílchez-Román, C., & Huamán-Delgado, F. (2019). Factors associated with the scientific production indexed in Scopus of a Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Letras (Lima), 90(131), 244-260. https://doi.org/10.30920/letras.90.131.11
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