The “Naturalist Restraint” and the Representation of the Indian in “Ushanan Jampi” by Enrique López Albújar

Keywords: Indigenism, Ushanan Jampi, Enrique López Albújar, Peruvian narrative., Peruvian story


This article studies how naturalistic aesthetics is projected by López Albújar in the story “Ushanan Jampi” and the consequences that this fact has on the possibilities that the story establishes a true indigenist affiliation. We also perform a semiotic narratological analysis of the text to get closer to the central narrative schema. We postulate that it is necessary to understand the aesthetic presuppositions that encourage the narrative project of the author since it can give us the guidelines to understand and problematize, at the same time, what critics have designated as an important moment in the Peruvian narrative.


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How to Cite
Valenzuela Garcés, J. (2019). The “Naturalist Restraint” and the Representation of the Indian in “Ushanan Jampi” by Enrique López Albújar. Letras (Lima), 90(131), 54-76.