Changó rewrites the history: representation and reinterpretation in contemporary Latin American fiction

  • Daiana Nascimento Dos santos Universidad de Santiago de Chile-Usach, Chile
Keywords: Latin American literature, Afro-descent, History, Representation


Encouraging a rapprochement between history and literature, we propose here an epistemological place that contributes to expand the understanding of the Afro-descendant of our region as a result of the triangular relationship Europe / America / Africa subject. For this, the categorical analysis of Changó, el Gran Putas, novel which becomes visible representation of the subject of African descent face. This article is elaborated based on two assumptions: that the novel offers a proper reading of the constituent elements of social identity and group belonging to the main character; and to transcend the knowledge of his past, it gives a new understanding and ownership of its history


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Métricas alternativas


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How to Cite
Dos santos, D. N. (2016). Changó rewrites the history: representation and reinterpretation in contemporary Latin American fiction. Letras (Lima), 87(125), 93-104.