Intertextuality in two heretical tales by Clemente Palma

  • Gonzalo Cea Monsalves Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Keywords: Intertextuality, rewriting, Clemente Palma, desecration, heresy


This article analyzes the presence of intertextuality in two tales of the peruvian writer Clemente Palma. Analysis suggests that the rewriting of religious speechs is important for understand the peruvian writer’s aesthetic. Throught of this intertextual procedure, Clemente Palma proposes the desecration of religious speech and a new reading of universal equilibrium linked with transformation of Jesus’ personality. Furthermore, intertextuality can be conceived as heretic procedure, while rewrites religious discourse. This research argues that the purpose of desecration is create a new universal equilibrium where the evil is the answer.


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How to Cite
Cea Monsalves, G. (2015). Intertextuality in two heretical tales by Clemente Palma. Letras (Lima), 86(123), 69-82.