Peruvian Independent Publishing. Overview and General Considerations
Independent publishing has been forged on the basis of associativity and bibliodiversity, and has faced challenges such as editorial concentration and globalization. The creation of the Red Peruana de Editores in 2005 and the Alianza Peruana de Editores in 2007 marked important milestones in its strengthening. These associations made the work of independent publishers more visible. The field of independent publishing in Peru was consolidated with the creation and sustainability of Editoriales Independientes del Perú, an association with a national vocation. Various legislations, such as the Law for the Democratization of Books and the Promotion of Reading, and public policies, such as the National Culture Policy, have promoted the diversification and strengthening of publishing. Events such as the La Independiente book fair have promoted the decentralized commercialization of books. At the same time, other regions of the country, especially those located in southern Peru, have contributed significantly to the national publishing scene. From their beginnings to their consolidation in the 21st century, factors such as the presence of the Professional School of Literature and Linguistics at the Universidad Nacional de San Agustín show a remarkable growth and consolidation that has been complemented by a similar development in other regions of the country.Downloads
Métricas alternativas
Alianza Internacional de Editores Independientes. (2003, 4 de diciembre). Declaración de Dakar 2003.
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Ministerio de Cultura. (2016, junio). Especial Sector del Libro. Boletín Infoartes, 1.
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Núñez Pacheco, R. y Torres Santillana, G. (2022). Polifonía del silencio. La literatura en Arequipa, 1995-2005. Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa.
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Valencia, M. (2018). La edición independiente. Consideraciones generales sobre el caso colombiano. En D. P. Guzmán, P.A. Marín, J. D. Murillo y M. A. Pineda (Eds.), Lectores, editores y cultura impresa en Colombia: siglos XVI-XXI (pp. 413-430). Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe.
Schiffrin, A. (2001). La edición sin editores. Las grandes corporaciones y la cultura. Ediciones Era.
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