In the Margins of the Poem: The Fractal or Multidimensional Conception of Poetry in Javier Sologuren’s Essays writing
The essay production of Peruvian poet Javier Sologuren is one of the less known and less studied facets of the writer. This work offers an approach to the aesthetic thought of Sologuren, from the review of some of the most important ideas of his notes and essays related to the conception and realization of poetry. The analysis willfocus on the poem “Márgenes”, which is part of the collection called Folios del enamorado y la muerte (1980). From a suggestive visual plane and a questioning textuality, this text materializes some of those ideas of aesthetic thought, such as the regenerative form and the surface tension of the poem, the principles of simultaneity and playfulness, the overflowing meaning in the space of the poem and affectivity as the essence and trigger of that meaning. At the same time, summarizing Sologuren’s aesthetic intuitons, we will definethe characterization of the poem as a fractal or multidimensional textuality, to the extent that its nature and compositional logic reveal a challenging complexity for the reader’s understanding who faces the emergence of three poems camouflaged under the form of a single textuality. This emergence also reveals the existence of diverse voices, consciences, structures; in short, of various conditions of language.Downloads
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