Brief introduction to the poetry of Jose Maria Arguedas based on three emblematic poems

  • Roger Santiváñez Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA
Keywords: Peruvian Literature, Poems


We could be said that the three poems - 'Call to Some Doctors', 'Ode to the Jet' and 'Hymn to our Creator Father Tupac Amaru' - are somehow related. First of all, the three texts date from the 1960s. One might ask why José María Arguedas recently decided to publish and possibly write poetry at this time. I say possibly because we do not have any data about our author's poetic production before 1960. It is known that since the 30s Arguedas dedicated himself to the construction of his magnificent narrative work, but the poet who lived - at least in Western terms - in it, only came to light after the publication of Los ríos profundos in 1958, not by chance his most poetic novel, in which we can find whole paragraphs of a successful prose of undoubted lyrical value, apart from the effusion -lyrical too- achieved in this book by means of the diverse Quechua and Waynos songs interspersed in the discourse.


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Métricas alternativas


ARGUEDAS, José María (1972). Páginas escogidas. Lima: Editorial Universo.

ARGUEDAS, José María (2007). “A nuestro padre creador Tupac Amaru” en www.redacció

MAZZOTTI, José Antonio (2002). Poéticas del flujo. Migración y violencia verbales en el Perú de los 80. Lima: Fondo editorial del Congreso del Perú.

How to Cite
Santiváñez, R. (2011). Brief introduction to the poetry of Jose Maria Arguedas based on three emblematic poems. Letras (Lima), 82(117), p. 95-101.