Between the Fantastic and the Mystical: The Mysterious

Keywords: Mystery, Lyrical Poetry, Reality, Das Unheimliche, Fantastic Literature, Mysticism


Though differently, the fantastic and the mystical approach the mystery that causes both fear and desire. This article reviews how they do it and its common terminology in the investigations about this in order to propose a category inbetween them that appears in poetry: “the mysterious”. The fantastic manifests narratively the emotion of “the ominous” (Unheimliches) by means of “praeternatural” (nature’s exceptions) and “transnatural” phenomena (from “transreality”, beyond our reality). The mystical poeticises “the numinous” (Unheimliches) after the divine union (ecstasy) related to the “superreality” (the divine) from which the (divine) “supernatural” phenomena occur. The mysterious shows the invisible connections among things sensed by the poet, who feels at home in the mystery of reality (Heimliches) reaching an “instasy” and discovering an endless inefable knowledge (“the minous”) that he tries to sing without ever fully succeeding. For a better understanding of the exposed concepts we provide the following examples: the short story “El perseguidor” (1986) by Cortázar for the Fantastic, some fragments from poems by San Juan de la Cruz for the mystical and the poem “Al centro rayeante” (1949) by Juan Ramón Jiménez for the mysterious.


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How to Cite
Olive Rafols, L. (2022). Between the Fantastic and the Mystical: The Mysterious. Letras (Lima), 93(137), 117-129.