Criticism of the Marxist dialectic

Keywords: Dialectic, Logic, Method, Materialism, Marxism


This article deals with the marxist dialectic and provides a rigorous analysis that determines its unscientific character. Although this can be sustained and can plausibly have a consensus among philosophers specialized, some still believe in the scientific course of the dialectic, its principles, categories and laws. Also still believe in the existence of an alleged dialectical logic and dialectical method, which can be understood as a mere delusion. In this work, we show that such belief is unsustainable and is based on a superficial understanding of science. Indeed, here we show that the dialectic is not science, that there is no dialectical logic and dialectical method can not be considerated as a scientific method.


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How to Cite
Llanos Villajuán, M. (2011). Criticism of the Marxist dialectic. Letras (Lima), 82(117), p. 151-173.