About the philosophy of racism in Peru

  • Fernando Bobbio Rosas Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú
Keywords: Racism (doctrine)


Culture is the form or way of life of human groups; and just as in the analysis of individuals one can distinguish anatomy and physiology, we find lomism in the case of cultures. There is an anatomy (which goes from the pyramids to the pins and which is the material that the archaeologist studies in the case of dead cultures) and a physiology, which is the functioning of a society. But an organism (individual or social) is not only anatomy and physiology; there is something that determines, governs or orients its actions, activities and functions, all of which obey a programme that is the foundation of life, both in that it is impossible without it, and in that anatomy and physiology are only the manifestation or externalisation of a programme.


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How to Cite
Bobbio Rosas, F. (1999). About the philosophy of racism in Peru. Letras (Lima), 70(97-98), 81-101. https://doi.org/10.30920/letras.70.97-98.8