Moral, causalidad e ironía en la narrativa de Vargas Llosa

  • Miguel Valle Universidad de Münster, Munich, Alemania
Keywords: Narrative, Morality, Irony, Chance, Mario Vargas Llosa


It explains the critical content of a work and, even more so, of an author's production, it necessarily includes a game between fundamental conceptions of reality, from whose dialectical movement springs not only the action but also the explanation of the 'choice' of determined facts. In a more restricted plane, the critical content arises from the dynamics that is established between interoretative categories of reality. In this note we want to refer to three of them; the categories of morality, causality and irony, as presented in Mario Vargas Llosa's narrative.


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How to Cite
Valle, M. (1979). Moral, causalidad e ironía en la narrativa de Vargas Llosa. Letras (Lima), 49(86-87), 109-120.