The sociology of modern drama in Lukacs

  • José I López Soria Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú
Keywords: Sociology, Literature, Philosophy, Georg Lukacs


He explains that the sociology of literature is then presented as a path towards the construction of a new culture that responds and adapts to the demands of the "problematic man." It is not surprising, therefore, that in this effort to lay the foundations of a new culture, the Greek-Latin culture is always present as a paradigm. The attribution of paradigmaticity to "closed cultures" does not, however, lead Lukács to emphasize the need to reconstruct them. The point, then, is to make a culture possible for the problematic man. Lukacsian thought starts from this fundamental experience and from it sets off on a stubborn search for ways out.


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How to Cite
López Soria, J. I. (1979). The sociology of modern drama in Lukacs. Letras (Lima), 49(86-87), 91-108.