The Vicús Culture - Findings and artistic expressions

  • María Luisa Saco Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú
Keywords: Archeology, Vicus culture, Ceramics


It analyzes the Vicus culture at the time when the Chavín civilization, which encompassed a large part of the Peruvian territory, ceased to exert its dominant influence, the Vicús culture flourished in the North region, in whose art certain qualities are manifested that reached their apogee in the most important northern style, the Mochica style. In the Vicús one, although in an incipient state, the tendency towards realistic representation, the strong sculptural modeling and the vital character that we find in Mochicas artistic expressions can be observed. The Vicús culture was discovered just two decades ago. In 1953, ceramics and gold objects of this style, which had been clandestinely extracted from the cemeteries of Frías, in the province of Ayábaca, were seized by the police. Other specimens were acquired by private collectors. One of the first archaeologists to visit this area was Ramiro Matos Mendieta, who, in 1963, was commissioned by the 'National Archeology Board to verify the origin of the huacos whose style was known by the name of Ayabaca


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CASAFRANCA, José y GUZMAN LADRON DE GUEVARA, Carlos: 1964 Informe presentado al Patronato Nacional de Arqueología sobre los trabajos arqueológicos realizados en la zona de Vicús (MS).

DISSELHOFF, Hans D.: 1969 Seis fechas radiocarbónicas de Vicús, Actas del XXX m Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Part. I, Munich.

GUZMAN LADRON DE GUEVARA, Carlos: 1967 Vicús, Enigma para arqueólogos, Fanal, Vol. XXII, No. 83, Lima.

HORKHEIMER, Hans: 1965 Vicús. Ed. del Instituto de Arte Contemporáneo, Lima.

LARCO HOYLE, Rafael: 1965 La cerámica de Vicús, Lima.
1966 La cerámica de Vicús y sus nexos con las demás culturas, Lima.

MATOS MENDIETA, Ramiro: 1963 Un nuevo estilo en la Arqueología peruana, La Industria, 30 de Enero.
1965-66 Algunas consideraciones sobre el estilo de Vicús, Revista del Museo Nacional, T. XXXIV , Lima.

MEJIA XESSPE, Toribio: 1965-66 Algunas noticias sobre las tumbas precolombinas de Vicús Piura, Revista del Museo Nacional, t. XXXIV , Lima.
1965-66 Técnica negativa en la decoración de la cerámica peruana, Revista del Museo Nacional, t. XXXIV , Lima.
How to Cite
Saco, M. L. (1979). The Vicús Culture - Findings and artistic expressions. Letras (Lima), 49(86-87), 5-16.