Paracas Cavernas and Chavin

  • Alfred L. Kroeber University of California-Berkeley, California, USA
Keywords: Archeology, Paracas, Chavín


In a recent review and critique of the Chavín Problem (1), Gordon Willey has listed seventeen ancient Peruvian sites whose remains indisputably affiliate stylistically with the type site oí Chavín de Huántar. Beyond these, he reviews a greater number of sites for which relationship with Chavín has been alleged. These he puts into three classes: 1, No evidence has been presented for the relationship; 2, There is evidence, but it shows similarities in cultural inventory or context, not of the characteristic Chavín Style; 3, Evidence is available but debatable. In this last class Willey puts the Paracas Cavernas pottery of Paracas and Ocucaje. He sees in its dark-ware, flat-bottomed, incised bowls ( 2 ) close similarity with Ancón and Supe Chavín bowls; but this similarity is balanced by the dissimilarities of [a] most of Cavernas cerramics being polychrome, and [b] others being negatively painted (3), a technique never or rarely ocurring in a Chavín context. As for an intised and painted fanged cat-face from Ocucaje, (4) it "lacks the characteristis Chavín rendering".


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Métricas alternativas


Bennett, W. C., 1939. Archaeology of the North Coast of Peru. Anthr. Pap. Am. Mus. Natural Hist., 37: 1-153.

Bennett, W. C., 1944. The North Highlands of Peru. Same, 39: 1-114.

Bennett, W. C., 1946. The Archeology of the Central Andes, pp. 61-147 of Bur. Am. Ethnol. Bull. 143, Handbook of S. Am. Indians, 2: The Andean Civilizations.

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Carrión Cachot, Rebeca, 1931. La Indumentaria en la Antigua Cultura de Paracas. Wira Kocha, 1: 37-86, pls. 1-2, figs. 1-22.

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Carrión Cachot, Rebeca, 1949. Paracas: Cultural Elements. Publ. by Corporación Nacional de Turismo, Lima. pp. 1-62, Pls. 1-23 (plus col. frontispiece), figs. 1-7.

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Gayton, A. H., and Kroeber, A. L., 1927. The Uhle Pottery Collections from Nazca, in Univ. Calif. Publ. in Am. Arch. Ethnol., 24: 1-46.

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O'Neale, Lila M., 1937. Textiles of the Early Nazca Period. Field Museum of Natural History, Anthr. Mem. II, N°. 3, pp. 121-208, pls. 32-68, 1 fig.

O'Neale, Lila M., and Kroeber, A. L., 1930. Textile Periods in Ancient Perú. Univ. Calif. Publ. Am. Ethnol., 28: 23-56.

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Strong, W. D., Willey, G. R., and Corbett, J. M., 1943. Archeological Studies in Peru, 1941 - 42. Columbia Studies in Archeology and Ethnology. vol. 1.

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Tello, J. C., 1943. Discovery of the Chavín Culture in Peru. Am. Antiquity, 9: 135-160.

Willey, G. R., 1949. "Ceramics", in Bur Am. Ethnol., Bull. 143, Handbook of South American Indians, 5: 139-294, pls. 29-40, figs. 42-63.

Willey, G. R., 1951. The Chavín Problem: a Review and Critique. Southwestern, Journ. Anthr. 7: 103-144.

Yacovleff, E., and Muelle, J. C., 1934. Un Fardo Funerario de Paracas. Revista del Museo Nacional. Lima, 3, N°. 1-2: 64-163.

How to Cite
Kroeber, A. L. (1953). Paracas Cavernas and Chavin. Letras (Lima), 19(49), 49-71.