Six reflections on nature

Keywords: Enviromental crisis, Nature, Enviromental policy, Naturalism


The present environmental crisis questions our models of acting, thin-king and living. The natural recent catastrophes try to say something to us,  as  would  also  do  the  planet  as  a  great  live  being.  Are  we  ready  to listen? In this brief article six meditations that try to incite, to provoke, to insinuate, more that to give definitive theses are exposed. These re-flections will treat naturalisms, the environmental crisis and its cultural implications.  Besides  the  environment  policies,  we  need  to  fight  the barriers that prevent us from taking due steps to solve these problems.


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Métricas alternativas


Antolin, M. y Embid, A. (1972): Introducción al budismo zen. Barcelona, Barral Editores.

Singer, Peter (1999): Liberación animal. Una ética nueva para nuestro trato hacia los animales. Obra sin datos. Existe una nueva versión editada por Trotta.

Suzuki, D. T. y Fromm, Erich (1968): Budismo zen y psicoanálisis. México, F. C. E.

Tola, Fernando (1973): Doctrinas secretas de la India. Upanishads. Barcelona, Barral Editores.

Wilber, Ken (2000): Breve historia de todas las cosas. Barcelona, Kairós.

Zenkei Shibayama(1999): A flower does not talk. Zen Essays. Vermont, Charles E. Tuttle Company.

How to Cite
Polo Santillán, M. Ángel. (2009). Six reflections on nature. Letras (Lima), 80(115), p. 117-129.