Passive of unaccusative psychological verbs

  • Rafael Camacho Ramírez Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú
Keywords: Psychological verb, Causative verb, Unaccusative verb, Internal cause


The  present  work  presents  the  possibility  to  examine  sentences  like María se aburrió de hacer lo mismo as pronominal passive, derived of the unaccusative  versions  of  these  psychological  verbs: A  María  le  aburrió hacer lo mismo. Fundamentally the evidence that I present is of semantic character,  that  is,  so  much  the  passives  versions  like  the  unaccusative present a similar meaning, specifically, they present internal Cause’s se-mantic feature. The causative versions and agentive of the psychological verb  are  excluded  like  input  to  lack  this  feature.  The  syntactic  mecha-nism  that  it  allows  to  forming  passive  as  from  verbs  that  they  do  not have  external  argument,  for  example  the  unaccusatives,  is  what  baker develops (1988 ), and it is the one that we will use in this work.


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Métricas alternativas


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How to Cite
Camacho Ramírez, R. (2009). Passive of unaccusative psychological verbs. Letras (Lima), 80(115), p. 99-116.