Scriptural formalization

  • Amancio Chávez Reyes Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú
Keywords: Language, Writting


All languages in the world emerged as exclusively acoustic (or oral) forms and in the most natural and unconscious way, as recorded in human history. From this they have been taking a graphic model and thus have been able to respond, with ever greater efficiency, to social demands, which in their turn were also more complex. Oral or auditory forms are transferred into visual models. Through this process the messages become reading material. The language, in this case, is fully cultural, audiovisual.


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MARÍN MARCOS, Francisco y Jesús SÁNCHEZ LOBATO. Lingüística aplicada. Madrid, Ed. Síntesis, 2001.
TARELLO, Fernando. A Pesquisa Sociolingüística. 2a. ed. Sao Paulo, 1986.
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How to Cite
Chávez Reyes, A. (2002). Scriptural formalization. Letras (Lima), 73(103-104), 199-210.