Orality and representation. The other voice in the narrative of Ciro Alegria

Keywords: Ciro Alegría, Indigenism, Folk-tale, Orality


In this article, the functionality of oral tales coming from the mouth of Alegría’s  popular  characters  (which  the  author  includes  in  his  novels) is  studied.  It  is  alleged  that  these  texts  perform  another  function  be-sides generating suspense (as Escajadillo proposes) or offering evidence of verosimilitude of the universe, presenting typical referents from this world,  whose  taletelling  Alegría  gives  a  literary  form.  This  function  is the building of a popular and heterogeneus subject different from the monologue-centered narrador. Following Huaytán Martínez, the articulist thinks that these texts link Alegría’s indigenist narrative to the testimonial genre.


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How to Cite
Larrú, M. (2009). Orality and representation. The other voice in the narrative of Ciro Alegria. Letras (Lima), 80(115), p. 47-62. https://doi.org/10.30920/letras.80.115.5
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