Users from libraries of Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Keywords: Library users, University libraries


Specialized literature defines the user as: "the individual who needs information to carry out the activities". This concept is related to the demand for information, which is defined as "the express formulation of a desire, or in other words, what an individual requests from a Documentation Centre and/or Library. Today, research libraries are already sharing some elements related to their objectives with other important partners on campus: the computer and telecommunications centres that maintain the university's circulatory system and are the key providers of infrastructure and technological support.


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Métricas alternativas


Boletín Estadístico N° 7, UNMSM-OGP. 1993.

Boletín Estadístico N° 8, UNMSM-OGP. 1994.

Boletín Estadístico N° 9, UNMSM-OPP. 1995.

Compendio Estadístico 1996. UNMSM-OGP. N°10.

Compendio Estadístico 1997. UNMSM-OGP N°11.

Compendio Estadístico 1998. UNMSM-OGP. N°12.

Compendio Estadístico 1999. UNMSM-OGP. N°13.

Compendio Estadístico 2000. UNMSM-OGP. Vers. Electrón.

Khourí, Anastassia. "Reingeniería de los servicios en las bibliotecas universitarias". En: Investigación Bibliotecológica, vol. 11. N° 22, Ene-Jun, 1997, p. 64.

Saffady, Wílliam. "Digital library concepta and technologies for the management of library collections: ananalysis of methods and costs". Library Technology Reports 31 (May-Jun 1995).

Sanz, Elias. Manual de estudios de usuarios. Madrid: Fundación Germám Sánchez, 1994. p. 19

UNMSM-OGP, Nos. 10, 11, 12 y 13. Pp. 131, 125,183, 209.

How to Cite
Olaya Guerrero, J. C. (2001). Users from libraries of Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Letras (Lima), 72(101-102), 53-60.