The Age of Satellites

  • Julio Estremadoyro Alegre Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú
Keywords: Communications, Social communication


Since the time of the caves, man has tried to make his communication reach the greatest distance in order to reach the greatest number of people, in the shortest time possible, and with a quality in his messages that was of such clarity and perfection that they could be understood without any doubt. It took man a million years to create the necessary technology. It all began in the 19th century with the discovery of electricity. It was soon used for the first time with the telegraph, then the telephone. In the 20th century, humans invented radio and airborne transmission. Then it was the turn of the astonishing image transmission: the TV. Then the space revolution emerged: the Communications Satellites. With them, the great goals of human communication were achieved.


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Métricas alternativas


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How to Cite
Estremadoyro Alegre, J. (2000). The Age of Satellites. Letras (Lima), 71(99-100), 89-102.