Access to information services for disabled people in Peru

problems and needs for their integration and development in society

  • Isabel Miranda Meruvia Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú
Keywords: Disabled persons, Accesibility


The present intervention aims to present a global vision of the current situation of the problem of access to information services faced by people with physical disabilities of hearing and language (deaf-mutes) and visual disabilities, due to the lack of properly organized libraries with adequate infrastructure, modern technological equipment, special and updated information materials that are indispensable means for their development and integration into society and allow them to achieve better living standards.


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Métricas alternativas


CARRIER, Hervé 1992 "La concepción moderna de los derechos culturales". Verdad y Espiritualidad 8: 23 (Set./Dic.).

COMES NOLLA, Gabriel 1992 Lectura y libros para niños especiales, Barcelona: Ediciones CEAC.

CHIRINOS SOTO, Enrique 1994 Constitución de 1993: lectura y comentario. Lima: Nerman.

GUEDES PEREIRA, Marilia 1995 Biblioterapia. Joao Pessoa, Brasil: Editora Universitaria.

SÁNCHEZ LIHÓN, Danilo 1988 Teoría y práctica de la información, Lima: Instituto del Libro y la Lectura.

How to Cite
Miranda Meruvia, I. (2000). Access to information services for disabled people in Peru. Letras (Lima), 71(99-100), 73-87.