The configuration of “ontocentrismo” in Martin Heidegger

Towards the elaboration of non-ontocentric and posthuman ontologies beyond Sein und Zeit” and Die Grundbegriffe der Metaphysik

Keywords: Dasein, Martin Heidegger, Speciesism, Posthumanism, Ontocentrism


The aim of this paper is to confront the Heideggerian position, expressed especially in Sein und Zeit (1927) and Die Grundbegriffe der Metaphysik (1929-1930), on the privileged position that the human being takes in the formulation of the ontological question. The text is divided into four sections. The first section makes a succinct introduction to the problem. The second and third focuses on a detailed and critical analysis of the thematization of the human being in the two works cited. Finally, the last section provides different arguments that challenge the Heideggerian proposal and after it proposes the concept of "ontocentrism" (analogous to speciesism). With this notion, that means the disadvantageous consideration of entities that did not belong to a certain type of entity, the criticism of the cited author is concluded by giving some final indications of non-ontocentric ontologies no longer centered on man.


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How to Cite
Ayala-Colqui, J. (2021). The configuration of “ontocentrismo” in Martin Heidegger. Letras (Lima), 92(136), 196-215.