The human and the animal: Semiotic meditation on "The buzzards without feathers" by Julio Ramon Ribeyro


This article cover a semiotic reflection on "Los gallinazos sin plumas" (The featherless chickens), a tale by Julio Ramón Ribeyro. We aim to demonstrate that this is an allegorical account of the beginnings of modernity in Lima in the 1950s. To this end, we will approach the opposition between the animal and the human, and concentrate on the analysis of the border zone presented in the story, from which a distinction is made between the two elements of the aforementioned opposition.


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How to Cite
López Maguiña, S. (2012). The human and the animal: Semiotic meditation on "The buzzards without feathers" by Julio Ramon Ribeyro. Letras (Lima), 83(118), 7-64.