The social novel - the city and the owner

  • Celia Zárate R. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú
Keywords: Literature, Novels, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, México, Perú


The social novel is a new form of American Literature. In America its development coincides with the end of the great world war. Increasing industrialization creates a new kind of life, certainly a new kind of novel. In each epoch specimens emerge according to the moment. Dr. LA Sánchez says: "While there were knights and servants, the servant's hope was in the marvelous and wonders were given to him in chivalric novels. Guarido do minan los bourgeois, the romantic novel. Industrialization engenders the proletariat and the latter. a new possibility of novel ". The social novel of the proletarian type only arises then, when the great human masses are mercilessly exploited and where Justice is ignored. The movement of ideas of renewal, as required by social dynamism, in Hispanic America, has been very slow, and there are still many young nations that vegetate under the shadow of traditionalism or under the rule of tyrannies. Slowly, more or less marked signs of a change are emerging, although not in the radical sense that is to be expected. This research shows the social novel in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru


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García Godoy, F. Literatura Americana de nuestros días.

Rojas, Ricardo. Literatura Argentina.

Sánchez, Luis Alberto. Panorama de la Literatura Actual.

Sánchez. Luis Alberto. América Novela sin Novelistas.

Torres Rioseco, Arturo. Grandes Novelistas de la América Hispana

Torres Rioseco, Arturo. Novelistas Contemporáneos de América.
How to Cite
Zárate R., C. (2020). The social novel - the city and the owner. Letras (Lima), 13(37), 253-260. Retrieved from
Faculty Seminar