"Moral" and "Life" in Federico Nietzsche

1st Part

  • José Russo Delgado Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú
Keywords: Philosophy, Friedrich Nietzsche


The distinguished man, the great man, the superman, the objectives of the task that the philosopher-poet will have to occupy us will be the progress of those who are not in progress. They will justify and create the "gressus". There will have been a path and they will have walked towards something because they will be - will become - the goal. Federico Nietzsche Oehler will offer us not a simple reinstatement of manor morality, but one: Transmutation of all Values! 1 (with vertical and vigorous admiration signs opposite to that other that had them curvilinear and sinuous, that of the morality of slaves and priests) transmutation of that first transmutation, then, but whose children will not be the barbarian ancestors.


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How to Cite
Russo Delgado, J. (2020). "Moral" and "Life" in Federico Nietzsche. Letras (Lima), 13(37), 225-252. https://doi.org/10.30920/letras.13.37.4