Contribution to the study of the timber industry in the Hoya del Río Huallaga

  • Javier Pulgar Vidal universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú
Keywords: Wood industry, Huallaga


He explains that the government was interested in studying the timber qualities of the trees in the area and in effect commissioned the Italian firm "INCISAE" from Lissone, which, through Engineer Aldo Bert, carried out a preliminary study in 1940, the results of which they are synthesized in the three tables on the type of wood. From the legal point of view, it is described, By Supreme Resolution of April 7, 1937 it was established: "that in the areas of mountain lands reserved by the Government, in order to study their most convenient application, the exploitation is strictly prohibited. forest, whatever its nature "; but later, by Supreme Resolution of April 14, 1937, the granting of permits for forestry operations in reserved areas was established; and in one of said faculties, two permits were granted: The first by Resolution 57 of May 8, 1940, granting the exploitation of the forests of Tingo María up to the summit of the Divisional Cordillera to the Sociedad Maderera Ciurlizza Maurer Limitada. The second by Resolution of November 5, 1941, granting Mr. Víctor Funegra Trujillo, permission to exploit the forests from the Cordillera Diviso ria at kilometer 197 to the Boquerón in the Cordillera Azul At the end of this article we must bear in mind that Congress has already promulgated the Law that puts an end to the timber monopoly in Tingo María, thus opening a new era for this important industry that is receiving the enormous impulse of the great national demand, which is exacerbated by the lack of foreign wood. Situation that as UN officials believe will last for many years


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Author Biography

Javier Pulgar Vidal, universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú
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How to Cite
Pulgar Vidal, J. (1947). Contribution to the study of the timber industry in the Hoya del Río Huallaga. Letras (Lima), 13(37), 194-210.