About the discovery of Chavin culture in Peru

  • Julio C. Tello Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú
Keywords: Prehispanic cultures, Peruvian Archaeology


This article present a synopsis of the studies and explorations that I have carried out during the last years with the purpose of knowing the characteristics of the Chavín Culture, and to determine its area of propagation in the territory of the Inkas or the Tawantinsuyo.


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Tello, Julio C. “Introducción a la historia antigua del Perú”, 1921, Lima: Editorial Euforion.

Tello, Julio C. Wira Kocha. “Inca”, 1923, vol. 1(1), 93-320.

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Donald Collier y John V. Murra. Survey and Excavations in Southern Ecuador, Anth. Se., Eield Museuni of Natural History, Vol. 35, Chicago, 1943.

Jijón y Caamaño, J. Una gran marea cultural en el NO de Sud América. “Journal de la Societe des Americanistes”, 1930, 22(1), 107-197.

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Wiener, Charles. “Pérou et Bolivié”, París, 1880, p. 603.

Schmidt, Max. “Kunst und Kultur in Peru”, Berlín, 1929, p. 156, fig. 2; p. 211 y p. 462, fig. 3.

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Tello, Julio C. “Antiguo Perú”, Lima, 1929, figs. 60 al 7U; 73, y 74 al 77, Museo de Arqueología Peruana.

Tello, Julio C. “El Strombus en el arte Chavín”, Lima: Antena, 1937.

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Wendell C. Bennett, "Archaeology of the North Coast of Perú". Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. XXXVII, Part. I, New York, 1939, fig. 13.

How to Cite
Tello, J. C. (1943). About the discovery of Chavin culture in Peru. Letras (Lima), 9(26), 326-373. https://doi.org/10.30920/letras.9.26.3