The Mita system

  • Jorge Basadre Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú
Keywords: Incas, History


The Spanish state adopted a wavering attitude towards the Indians. This is not the theoretical problem of whether the Indian could be recognised as a being endowed with reason. This problem was resolved in favour of the affirmative thesis by a bull from Pope Paul III and a series of laws. From this, the precept of law II of Book VI of the Compilation of the Laws of the Indies, according to which the marriage of Indians and Spaniards and Indian women was permitted, can be deduced in substance. Of course, while making all these concessions, the laws did not grant the Indians absolute or total independence.


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How to Cite
Basadre, J. (1937). The Mita system. Letras (Lima), 3(8), 325-364.