Peer Review Process


The peer-review system adopted by Letras (Lima) uses national and international experts external to the university. The manuscripts received will be anonymously arbitrated by at least two experts of the specialty or field of study, before being published. The arbitration system adopted by the journal uses national and international evaluators outside the university.  

Type of peer-review

The journal is in process of transition towards open science, therefore the type of mediation that it adopts may be double blind (double-blind review) when the manuscripts do not have the preliminary versions (preprints) put and simple blind (single-blind review) when they do have them.

Principles for revision

  • Evaluation of manuscripts, they are evaluated by the specialized arbitrators in the matter.
  • Impartibility, people who intervene in the process of evaluation respect values and the intellectual liberty of the authors. The works that present negative results in an investigation must not be ruled out.
  • Honesty, people who intervene in the process of evaluation must show transparency and objectivity when evaluating the manuscripts.
  • Confidentiality, the obligation of keeping confidentiality of the manuscript content and of the authors exists.
  • Validation or rejection of manuscripts, they must answer to the required principle of quality, they must fulfill the lines of investigation or scientific objectives of the journal, and they must fulfill the originality and not show evidence of scientific fraud.
  • Retraction of published articles, by lack of reliability of the results, mistakes, omission of the sources or references, scientific fraud (data manipulation, text plagiarism or duplicated publication, among other) the journal will publish the retraction news, although the article will be kept in the journal.
  • Conflict of interest, people who are involved or have any kind of academic or personal relationship with the author of the manuscript must inhibit themselves from the evaluation.
  • Originality, the manuscripts must be submitted to a process of evaluation of authenticity (similarity) through the informatics software.

Verdict of the revision

  • Accepted: the manuscript does not need major changes, probably just a few adjustments suggested by the reviewer.
  • Accepted with modifications: the manuscript needs major changes suggested by the reviewer.
  • Rejected: the manuscript does not have the chance of being published and for different reasons of academic character or investigation does not fulfill the requirements of the editorial quality.In rejection,the summary, objectives, methods and technics, results, discussion, conclusion or references can be observed.