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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Summaries, in Spanish and English (including, after each abstract), they must have at least 200 words or 1,000 characters including spaces and must include the objectives of the study and results found.
  • Undersigned authors declare that they contributed to the conception, structuring and elaboration of the manuscript, as well as having participated in any stage and process of consolidation of the manuscript (bibliographic research, data collection, interpretation of the results, writing and revision).
  • The manuscript is in editable format (MS Word, Open Office, etc.); with Times New Roman font, font size 12 pts; the line spacing should be 1.5 spaces, with top, bottom, left and right margins of 2.5 cm; and have an extension of no more than 20 pages.
  • Manuscripts must be original and unpublished, and not under evaluation at the time of submission to another journal or conference, otherwise it is indicated in "Comments to the Editor".
  • If manuscript includes graphics, figures, images and maps they must be in .JPG or .PNG format at a resolution greater than 500 dpi. Attach multimedia files as supplementary files after attaching the manuscript in step #2 "Upload Submission".
  • Author names are listed in the following order: surname and first name, institutional affiliation, ORCID and (e.g. 0000-0001-1234-5678) and e-mail (institutional preferred).
  • The content of the contributions and the references cited follow the APA norms in its 6th edition according to the Author Guidelines of the journal.
  • In bibliographic references, whenever possible, include electronic addresses or persistent identifiers such as DOI, HANDLE, PMID, etc.
  • The subject focus of manuscript cover some of following areas: Literature and literary theory, Language and linguistics, Arts and humanities (general).
  • The manuscript document is anonymous and the metadata has been removed.

Author Guidelines


To publish research articles, bibliographic review and opinion articles, related to humanistic studies at a national and international level.

Approach and scope

Letras (Lima) is the research journal intended for the publication of articles and results of original research studies, bibliographic review and opinion articles related to humanistic studies in the Peruvian and Latin American field with emphasis but not limited to:

  • Literature and literary theory
  • Language and linguistics
  • Arts & Humanities (general)
  1. Formal and content characteristics:

Manuscripts received must be:

  • Originals
  • Unpublished.

The submission of the manuscripts to the journal Letras (Lima) should be exclusive and not be under evaluation at the same time in another journal.

Adoption of open science

The author can choose to deposit the preliminar version (preprint) of the submitted manuscript in a repository of this nature such as:

The corresponding author must report the alignment of the research and the conformity of the manuscript with the practices of open science and must use the Open science conformity form (docx) which should be sent as an additional and complementary file to the text manuscript through the online submission system.

Authorship contribution

The authors signing the manuscripts contribute to its conception, structuring and elaboration. Furthermore, they have participated in any stage and process of consolidation of the manuscript (design concept, bibliographic research, data collection, interpretations of the results, writing and final review)

Peer review

The texts received will be anonymously arbitrated by at least two experts of the specialty or field of study, before being published. The arbitration system adopted by the journal uses national and international evaluators outside the university. The peer-review system adopted by Letras (Lima) uses national and international experts external to the university. When manuscripts submitted for evaluation have preliminary versions (preprint), the type of review will be differentiated.

Formal aspects

Manuscripts should be submitted in Word for Windows; with the font Times New Roman, font size 12 pts.; the line spacing should be 1.5 with the following margins: upper and lower 2.5 cm. and left and right. 2.5 cm. The manuscripts must have an extension of no more than 20 pages according to the indicated format.

If the text includes graphics, figures, images and maps, they must be in jpg or png formats in a resolution greater than 500 dpi. They should be sent as complementary files after attaching the manuscript.

The texts must be in the following order:

  • Title of the article, in Spanish and English. Must be concise and clear with a maximum of 20 words.
  • Signature of the author or authors, in the following order: surname and names, institutional affiliation (institution, city, country) ORCID and email (preferably institutional).
  • Summaries, in Spanish and English (including, after each abstract), they must have at least 200 words or 1,000 characters including spaces and must include the objectives of the study and results found.
  • Keywords in both languages, English and Spanish separated by semicolons. A minimum of 5 and maximum of 8 keywords should be included. The terms should not be repeated from the words that appear in the title of the manuscript.
  • Optionally, authors can declare funding sources and possible conflict of interest.

Content of the manuscript

  • Introduction, background and objective
  • Methods, used materials and sources.
  • Result and discussion of the research.
  • Conclusions
  • Notes will not go as footnotes but as a separate section before bibliographic references.
  • Bibliographic references (corresponding to explicit citations in the text), in APA style (American Psychological Association, 7a. ).
  1. Journal sections

The journal Letras (Lima) accepts the following sections of articles:


This section includes research that does not exceed 26 pages in length and has the following characteristics:

  • Research articles
  • Review articles (state of the art)
  • Historical and bibliographic articles
  • Theoretical or conceptual articles

Short communications and research advances

This section includes manuscripts with a length of less than 14 pages and manuscripts that present a practical application, experience of success, disciplinary or theoretical approach about a topic with a specific topic or aspect: 

  • Analytical and descriptive articles
  • Methodological and exploratory articles.
  • Articles on case studies


Journal reviews

This section takes care of making an evaluation or critical outline of new published editions by academic journals of the country or the world in the area of humanities. They must not exceed the 3 pages length


Critical outlines and comments on published books up to 2 years of being published. The language must be informative at the moment of presenting the content of the book. It is recommended that the objections or critics towards the book are inserted at the end. It must not exceed the 3 pages length. 

  1. Rules for the quotation and bibliographic references

Bibliographic references, whenever possible, must include electronic addresses or persistent identifying: DOI (10.30920/letras.91.133.1) Handle (, URN, etc.

Quotations in the text and bibliographic references must follow APA style (American Psychological Association, 7a. ed.) the author is responsible of giving all the quotes its own bibliographic reference at the end of the text.

Quotes of reference in the text:

  • When it refers to an indirect, contextual or paraphrase quote in the body of the text, this order is followed: main surname, publication date. For example (Dolezel, 1999).
  • When it refers to a direct or textual quote in the content, it is done in the following order: main surname, publication date and page. For example (Dolezel, 1999, p. 28).
  • Quotes with more than one author must be elaborated in the following way: (Gamarra, Uceda, & Gianella, 2011) or (Gamarra, Uceda, & Gianella, 2011, p. 123), according to the case.
  • Quotes with more than one author can exclude the author or author from the parenthesis. For example: Gamarra, Uceda y Gianella (2011) or Gamarra, Uceda y Gianella (2011, p. 123), according to the case.
  • If the author has two or more references at the same year, these will be alphanumerically distinguished: (2006), (2006a), (2006b), so on, Example: (Floridi, 2006), (Floridi, 2006a)

Bibliographic references:

 Author or authors of the book

García Bedoya Maguiña, C. (2016). El capital simbólico de San Marcos. Lima: Pakarina.

Gamarra, R., Uceda, R., & Gianella, G. (2011). Secreto profesional: análisis y perspectiva desde la medicina, el periodismo y el derecho. Lima: Centro de Promoción y Defensa de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos.

Author or authors with publications at the same year.

Floridi, L. (2006). Four challenges for a theory of informational privacy. Ethics and Information Technology, 8(3), 109-119. doi: 10.1007/s10676-006-9121-3.

Floridi, L. (2006a). Ética de la información: su naturaleza y alcance. Isegoría, (34), 19-46. doi: 10.3989/isegoria.2006.i34.2.

Books with several editions

García Bedoya Maguiña, C. (2017). El capital simbólico de San Marcos [2ª. Ed.]. Lima: Pakarina.

Author or authors of a chapter of a book

Allen, R. (2001). Cognitive Film Theory. En R. Allen & M. Turvey, Wittgenstein, Theory and the Arts (pp. 175-210). London: Routledge.

Editors or compilers of a book.

Alperin, J. P., & Fischman, G., Eds. (2015). Hecho en Latinoamérica: acceso abierto, revistas académicas e innovaciones regionales. Buenos Aires: CLACSO.


Cajas Rojas, A. I. (2008). Historia de la Biblioteca Central de la Universidad de San Marcos: 1923 a 1966. (Tesis para optar por el grado de Magister en Historia), Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Lima.

Journal article

Loza Nehmad, A. (2006). Y el claustro se abrió al siglo: Pedro Zulen y el Boletín Bibliográfico de la Biblioteca de San Marcos (1923-1924). Letras (Lima), 77(111-112), 125-149. doi: 10.30920/letras.77.111-112.8.



Newspaper article

Martos, M. (1982, abril 11). Los periodistas y bibliotecarios mendigos. En El Caballo Rojo: suplemento dominical. Diario de Marka.

Electronic resources.


American Library Association (2012). Questions and answers on privacy and confidentiality.


Matos Moreno, J. (2017, febrero 9). El mejor humor gráfico peruano del siglo XX se produjo en los años 80 [Blog]. El reportero de la Historia.


Sarmiento, S. (2016, marzo 30). Mario Vargas Llosa, 80 años de edad, rebelde y enamorado [Video].

  1. Rights of authorship.

The originals published in printed and electronic editions of this journal are property of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of the National University of San Marcos, because of that, it is necessary to quote the origin in any partial or total copies

The whole content of the electronic journal is distributed under the license of use and distribution Creative commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0).

  1. Ethics of the publication

Letras (Lima) is adhered to the ethical standards required for the researchers, the reviewers and the scientific redaction. Specifically, the journal requires that all authors are adhered to the ethical standards prescribed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

  1. Authenticity.

Manuscripts received will be summited to the antiplagiarism software to determine the authenticity (similarity) of the text before being sent to the valuation by reviewers.

  1. Submissions

Manuscripts are submitted in electronic format through the online system of the journal, accessible in the following website:

The journal eventually makes announcements or calls of the manuscripts with delivery deadlines, nevertheless, the reception of the manuscript is permanent. 

  1. Contact

The authors that require to consult prior to the submission of him or her manuscript, the appropriateness or theme adequacy with the approach of the journal can contact the email:

Special issue 2024

Título del dossier: The Latin America’s far-right swarm

Editors in chief:

  • Dr. Juan Carlos Ubilluz, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Perú
  • Mg. Oswaldo Bolo-Varela, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Perú

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.