Letras (Lima)

ISSN: 0378-4878 (Print); 2071-5072 (Online); DOI: 10.30920/letras


  • English: Publish research articles, bibliographic reviews and opinion articles related to national and international humanities field.
  • Spanish: Publicar artículos de investigación, revisión bibliográfica y artículos de opinión, vinculados a los estudios humanísticos en el ámbito nacional e internacional.
  • Portuguese: Publicar artigos de pesquisa, revisão bibliográfica e artigos de opinião relacionados com a área de humanidades no nacional e internacional.


Letras (Lima) is the research journal intended for the publication of articles and results of original research studies, bibliographic review and opinion articles related to humanistic studies in the Peruvian and Latin American field with emphasis but not limited to:

  • Literature and literary theory
  • Language and linguistics
  • Arts & Humanities (general)

Language accepted:

Accepts articles in any of following languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Bi-annual. Publish two issues in year between the months January-June and July-December.

Editorial policies:


Publication time:

Manuscript expect aceptation response on average 12 weeks from submission to publication.


Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú.